Being an entrepreneur means wearing many hats, so to speak – you’ll need to do several jobs when you’re a solopreneur. You may also have a virtual assistant to help you with some of your daily tasks. But, you’re still doing the lion’s share of the work. You’ll need to know how to manage your time and prioritize your task list to stay focused and work efficiently towards your marketing goals.
Here are tips for entrepreneurs, both new and seasoned, that can assist you in your daily workflow. See which of these resonate with you, and choose one to make your daily habit until our next blog comes out with part two. This blog will give you more marketing tips to incorporate into your business life.
Tip #1 Keep a Business Journal
Keep a business journal, write down trends and your daily tasks, and write down future tasks. A business journal is a great way to keep all your business notes in one place without stick note overload. Make sure to date and label all your work so you can reference what you’ve written down at a later date.
Tip #2 Find Out What Marketing Tactics are Paying Off
Look at what’s working and what’s not working in your marketing. If your email newsletter is doing great, focus more energy on your newsletter. What are you doing on social media? If that’s not going well, try another digital marketing channel, such as a landing page or lead magnet. You could also create videos on YouTube. Set a time to review your marketing efforts and where you’re spending to see what’s attracting the most attention and dollars back to your business.
Tip #3 Order From Your Own Company
Order from your own company or become a client under a different name. Analyze the process of ordering, shipping, online store, customer service, and the product itself. This will show you areas for improvement in the customer experience.
Tip #4 Make Note of What Gets Your Attention in Other Ads
Read quality ads and keep a list of the specific topics or ideas that made the ad stand out in your business journal. Then, try incorporating these aspects into your business if they work with your platform.
Tip #5 Watch other Consumers
When out in public, watch how consumers behave in different situations and how they consider their purchases. For example, see what brands they are gravitating towards and which ones they buy. Then, look at what they are considering. You can also invite your clients to a virtual meeting to see what they like and don’t like about your product, packaging, and other aspects of your marketing. This type of research will help you understand what your client is looking for and assist you in which direction to go, resulting in a positive outcome for your marketing!