
How to Create a Marketing Plan for Your New Business

When you think of marketing, your mind may slingshot to social media. While this is one aspect of marketing, there are many other elements to digital marketing that you need to know before you jump right into social media. It’s important to design your digital marketing around a plan so that you’re spending less time, in the long run, working and posting your digital marketing than you are in the other aspects of your business.   Marketing Plan Step #1: Build a Website Make sure to have your own website with your domain name. No one else can pull your

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Business Pitfalls to Avoid When You’re an Entrepreneur

When you’re starting a business, especially as a first-time entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of building your business, such as making your new website, your new company branding, and creating business cards. However, many new entrepreneurs fail to plan, which is why 80% of start-ups fail in their first year. To avoid failing in your new business, you’ll want to make a plan after you come up with your new business idea and before you start to make your new logo. This way, you can avoid many of the pitfalls that new businesses make when

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Four Essential Keys to Marketing Success Part II

When it comes to marketing, you need to have some essential components in place to make your efforts result in an effective strategy that turns into business profits. So, if you haven’t read our last blog, go back and read about our first two essentials to marketing strategy, then read this week’s post to find out more about how to effectively market your business.   Marketing Essential #3: Avoid Marketing Pitfalls As a business owner who wears many hats, you may not have the time to comb through all the information about digital marketing to familiarize yourself with what to

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Four Essential Keys to Marketing Success Part I

Marketing is a word that scares many business owners but is a necessity to bring in new clients. Whether creating digital or traditional marketing, you can always repurpose or reuse your content. However, use these guidelines to create a successful and reusable marketing campaign that you can duplicate with minor adjustments – making less work for your small business in the long run!   Four Essential Keys to Marketing Success While there are many details to successful marketing, we’ll be going through the four essential keys to a successful and reusable marketing campaign. Once you have these basics down, you

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Strategic Steps to Take For Business Growth

Strategic Steps to Take For Small Business Growth The first step to creating a more profitable business is to consider the 80/20 or pareto principle. This rule states that 20% of your actions result in 80% of your results. This is true, no matter what vertical or category your small business falls into. Now, consider this. If you multiply the 80/20 rule by 4; it states that only 1% of what you do generates 50% of your business income. Imagine what would happen to your business if you found that 1% activity and focused on it relentlessly. Would you agree

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